To create a customer:
Go the Profit Rhino's web portal and click Customers.
Then Create Customer.
You'll be brought to a customer creation screen where you'll need to fill in the at least the following fields:
a. First Name & Last Name OR Company Name if it is a commercial customer.
b. Street
c. City
d. State
e. Zip Code
4. Once you've finished inputting the required fields, click the Save and Close button. Upon doing so, you will see your completed customer on the customer list.
To import a customer:
To have your current customer list imported into Profit Rhino for you we will need you give us your customer list in a Microsoft Excel file. We will need the following six pieces of information all in separate columns inside that Microsoft Excel file in order to be able to import your customer list successfully:
Customer First Name
Customer Last Name
Street Address (313 Main St.)
Zip Code
Any customers missing any one of the follow six pieces of information will not be loaded into you Profit Rhino Customer List.
If you have any email addresses and/or phone numbers for your customers you can also include them as separate columns in the Microsoft Excel file and we can upload that information as well.
Attached link directs you to how a technician creates a customer out in the field if he needs to.