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Manually Set Tasks Prices

Contractor Created or Contractor Managed Tasks

Profit Rhino avatar
Written by Profit Rhino
Updated over 3 years ago

Though Profit Rhino has a team who consistently monitor task and parts pricing, you can still manually* modify your task prices if needed.

To change task prices

Once you get to the right task, check to make sure the task is contractor managed or contractor created.

You have three price options:

Time & Material: Your business information information (labor rate, labor times, parts markup, etc.) will be applied.

Fixed Price - Manual : A fixed pricing fields for all three pricing columns to be set. You can manually update all three price columns from there.

Fixed Price - Calculated: You to set a standard rate for a task and then use your business information discounts and mark-ups to calculate the value and premium price of a task.  So those second two rates would be automatically updated based on your Business Information.

*Please note that you can only update this setting if your tasks is contractor managed or contractor created. Unlink your task to get access to this setting.

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