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Filtering The Work Order Grid
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Written by Profit Rhino
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes, you might need to filter invoices to find who have paid in cash or another similar reason. Our Work Order grid allows you so filter information to find the invoice or invoice you're looking for.

First, log into Profit Rhino's web portal, and clicking the work order button on the left.

There are around 13 default columns visible (17 total) on this invoice grid. To filter them, click the button to the direct right of "Export Excel" button.

After you've clicked that button, you'll see a small pop-up that says, "Columns." Once there, you can select which columns you'd like to be visible.

Uncheck all columns but the ones you need. (For demonstration purposes, we unchecked every column except work order/status, PMT Type and Paid).

Now we can sort by PMT.

Now we can filter. To apply a filter, click the funnel icon directly to the right of the header of a particular column. You'll see a drop down where you can apply some "logic" to your work order grid.


The choices are as follows:

  1. Is equal to = this is going to check whether the work order value that you're trying to filter (in our case the payment type) is equal to a certain value.

  2. Is not equal to = very similar to above, but it's checking to see whether this value is NOT equal to the one you input. 

  3. Starts With = this filter will let you select all data that begin with the value you input here.

  4. Contains = similar to starts with, but instead it's letting you select data that contains the value you input everywhere, instead of just at the beginning of the data. 

  5. Does not Contain = similar to above except it's checking whether it doesn't contain that value. 

  6. Ends With = is the exact same as Starts With, but instead it's checking for this value at the end of the data instead of at the beginning.

  7. Is Empty = is going to check whether there's data there at all. If there IS data, it's going to filter it out.

  8. Is Not Empty = similar to is empty but instead of filtering out the ones that have data, it's going to filter out the ones that don't.

Back to filtering, you can actually apply two pieces of filter logic to each column, separated by an AND or an OR. AND is going to check whether both pieces of filter logic are correct and OR is going to check whether or not just one of those pieces of filter logic is true.

Now, for certain values, you may just see some check boxes. In the case of payment types, you'll just see the following drop-downs:

After you're done filtering, if you still need to search for a particular work order (I.e. I need the work order with this work order number) there is a search bar right above the grid.

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