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Importing Your Tasks Into Profit Rhino
Importing Your Tasks Into Profit Rhino

How to import your own tasks into Profit Rhino and the correct format they will need to be in

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Written by Profit Rhino
Updated over a week ago

Profit Rhino has a plethora of tasks for you to use and customize. Even though we have a lot of tasks in the book, it may not cover everything you are currently doing. You may have a side business such as roofing, landscaping or garage doors. These are tasks that you will not find within Profit Rhino but that doesn't mean you can't use Profit Rhino for these other businesses. By now, you have most likely learned how to create tasks and categories within the Profit Rhino web tool, but if you happen to have a price book built out for that other business already, you may be able to save a lot of time getting those tasks in by using our task import template. Once you fill this out, using the help of this article, please send the completed template to, and a CSA will help get the file imported in for you.

Red - Business Type - REQUIRED - This is what business type your task will be associated with. Business types delegate the task number and the bill out rate for this task

Green - TaskID - Leave it blank when creating a new task

Yellow - Task Name - REQUIRED - The name of your task (48 Character limit)

Blue - Marketing Description - Optional - Longer description of the task (No character limit)

Purple - Description - Optional - The short description of the task (150 Character limit)

Red - TDFFILE - Leave it blank when creating a new task

Green - IsActive - REQUIRED - 'Yes' or 'True' to have task active

Yellow - IsGhostTask - Optional - skip for now

Blue - IsValueRateOnly - Optional - skip for now

Purple - Quick Add - Optional - skip for now

Red - Task Priority - REQUIRED - Insert '3' in cell

Green - TaskNumber - Leave it blank when creating a new task

Yellow - TaskDuration - REQUIRED - Time (in minutes) that this task requires. This will also be used to calculate any Time and Material task since we use labor + materials to create your flat rate price.

Blue - TaskAssistantDuration - REQUIRED Time (in minutes) that you bill for a second set of hands or an apprentice on this job.

Red - TaskType - REQUIRED - Insert the desired method for pricing a task:

'Time and Material' to calculate your rate the standard way.

'Fixed Price - Manual' if you want to manually set the rate for value, standard, and premium.

'Fixed Price - Calculated' to manually set the standard and have the value and premium be determined by your pricing rules (discounts/markups).

Green - TaskFixedValueCost - REQUIRED FOR FIXED PRICE ONLY - Set rates for 1st tier of pricing (value rate)

Yellow - TaskFixedStandardCost - REQUIRED FOR FIXED PRICE ONLY - Set rates for 2nd tier of pricing (standard rate)

Blue - TaskFixedPremiumCost - REQUIRED FOR FIXED PRICE ONLY - Set rates for 3rd tier of pricing (premium rate)

Red - IsAddon - REQUIRED - Insert 'Yes' or 'No'. This allows you to set a secondary rate for value, standard and premium. This is commonly known as a multi-rate discount.

Green - AddonNumber - Leave blank when creating a new task

Yellow - AddonDuration - REQUIRED IF 'IsAddon' value is 'Yes'

Blue - AddonAssistantDuration - REQUIRED IF 'IsAddon' value is 'Yes'

Red - AddonType - REQUIRED IF 'IsAddon' value is 'Yes':

'Time and Material' to calculate your rate the standard way.

'Fixed Price - Manual' if you want to manually set the rate for value, standard, and premium.

'Fixed Price - Calculated' to manually set the standard and have the value and premium be determined by your pricing rules (discounts/markups).

Green - AddonFixedValueCost - REQUIRED FOR FIXED PRICE ONLY - Set rates for 1st tier of pricing (value rate). This would be a secondary rate for the value rate.

Yellow - AddonFixedStandardCost - REQUIRED FOR FIXED PRICE ONLY - Set rates for 2nd tier of pricing (standard rate). This would be a secondary rate for the standard rate.

Blue - AddonFixedPremiumCost - REQUIRED FOR FIXED PRICE ONLY - Set rates for 3rd tier of pricing (premium rate). This would be a secondary rate for the premium rate.

Red - UpSellTasks - Optional - Allows you to put task numbers for tasks that are an upgrade for the current task

Green - CrossSellTasks - Optional - Allows you to put task numbers for tasks that are commonly sold alongside the current task

Yellow - Account - ONLY SERVICE TITAN - Enter GL code for QuickBooks

Blue - Taxable - REQUIRED - List whether or not a task needs to be taxed

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