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Managing Parts Markups

This article will describe how to edit your parts markups

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Written by Profit Rhino
Updated over a week ago

To manage your parts markups within the Profit Rhino platform you'll need to navigate to Business Information tab on the left. This is where you can manage all of your pricing and information.

To change your parts mark-ups, click on the Parts Markups box and that will take you to your Global Parts Markups section. 

In the screen shot above, you can see the Industry Default mark-up button. This is the standard mark-ups that comes with your Profit Rhino program. The parts mark-up that is loaded is a sliding scale that has your most inexpensive parts marked up more aggressively.

For example:

A $1.00 part would be marked up 400% to $5.00.  

A $80.00 part would be marked up 100% to $160.00.  

This table is 100% customizable. So if you want to make change, you have a few different ways to do that.  The first, and easiest way, is to select the Delete All button.

That will effectively clear out your mark-up schedule and you can start from scratch. The other option is to Edit the current table and make changes to it.  

You can also add additional mark-ups but clicking the Add Markup button.

After all of your edits are done, save to update your price book.


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