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Adding and Managing Users

How to manage your users in Profit Rhino.

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Written by Profit Rhino
Updated over a week ago

Whenever you elect to hire on new technicians or new office workers, you'll need to determine whether they'll be making changes in Profit Rhino. If you want to add them, you'll need create a log in for them in Profit Rhino so that they can actually access your account.

During your initial training, your onboarding team member created users for you to, but, once your training is completed, you'll need to be able to add users on your own.

To add a new user:

Log on to the Profit Rhino website and go to My Account.

Click Manage User.

Click Add User.

Fill out the following information for the new user:

  • First Name and Last Name.
    Email Address. This doesn't not necessarily have to be a valid email address (if you don't want to create a new one), but it does need to be formatted as an email address. This email address will appear on quotes.

  • Password.

  • Designate Role. Designate whether they are an Office User (the people you only want to be able to access the web), a Tech* (the people you only want to be able to access the mobile), or a Supervisor* (the people who you want to be able to access the web & the mobile at the same time who gets additional special permissions)

  • If the user is Active or Inactive, Designate this account as an active user if you want them to be able to use the login.

  • If the user can View All Quote Permission. Determine whether or not they'll be able to see quotes that other technicians have saved. What this means is, normally when your technician saves a quote out in the field, he's the only who will be able to access it again. If you have a supervisor or manager who needs to review the quotes themselves instead of just the invoices, make sure they have this permission set so they can do just that.

Click Save.

*Each Tech and Supervisor users require a license. Contact your sales representative with any questions.

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