When presenting an option board, you are showing the customer a collection of tasks with one flat rate price rather than line item pricing for each individual task. If you are using task and add-on pricing than the bundle savings setting is something you may want to take advantage of. Bundle savings will take all your add-ons that are on an option and subtract the difference between the task price and the add-on price. So it will show how much the customer will be saving by bundling the selected items together. This savings will to show up in the top right hand corner of the option.
To turn on the bundle savings settings. change the drop down for Task/Addon Difference to show and your bundle savings will be activated.
Once you have turned on your savings, you will notice changes to your option cover and option sheet as pictured below. The bundle savings will tally up all the task add-on differences within each option to show the full savings on each option eligible.Β
Option Cover Sheet
Option Sheet - Detailed View